An advisory firm dedicated to industry & government leaders achieving transformational results.
Onetegrity Offerings
Advising Private Companies Supporting Public Missions
Grow Your Government Business
With years of leadership experience in commercial and federal roles, we’re ready to take your business to the next level. At Onetegrity, we combine our insights on how governments the world over are transforming to inform your strategy, marketing, operations and pricing. We’re proud to help shape how leading companies structure and manage their business to drive customer mission delivery.
Executive Advice for Leaders
Get Help With Your Success
Onetegrity is leaders helping leaders make change. Our ethos of integrity, servant leadership, and working as one to make change, is proven. We have led transformations -- and have direct experience with what stops change in its tracks.
Onetegrity is driven by superior business strategists, adept in spearheading organizational and operational transformation initiatives delivering millions to billions in cost savings and cost avoidance, and enabling dramatic workforce reductions and transformations that positively impact service delivery.
Strategic Extramural Spending
Make Your Spending Strategic
Onetegrity offers clients a new way to optimize and align all spending going outside the organization—Extramural Spending—to improve mission outcomes and value fast. This spending includes procurement contracts, grants, research and development, and spending through mechanisms and authorities many new leaders don’t think to align to new strategic priorities until it is too late.